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Monday, August 20, 2012

Day 20 of Photograph A Day (Door) and blog hops

My photo challenge topic today - Door.  This amazing brick building is an electric substation - I could so envision artist's studios or other wonderfulness for that structure.

Back to my blog hopping - I am linking in with Covered In Grace for her ~

Covered in Grace
Through Grace I discovered United Kingdom blogger Sarah at A Cat-like Curiosity

Here is my Monday mantra (course, you can count on me for being irreverent, yet again).


  1. Love it - thanks so much for linking up!!


  2. Hola Tami! OMG! I love your Monday Mantra...I'm so happy I don't have to grow up, because I really don't want to!!! Yaay! Thanks for popping by mine (PonderWonders) via A Cat Like Curiosity. Tootles!

    ~SimplyyMayra ;)

  3. Love the double door!

    And I love that sign!

    What a great saying.

    I'm wondering if my husband will buy that as an excuse for my sometimes weird behaviour! ha!

  4. Thanks so much for stopping by. I am your newest follower


  5. There's something about doors that is fascinating. Great pic. Love the mantra and very apt for me as I've just turned 50 and STILL feel like I'm in my 20's (just wish face matched!)

  6. lol love your mantra thanks for coming by my blog
    have a lovely week


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