We finally had a semi-warm January day that was clear and dry. I did some of my annual clean out the garden beds tasks. Deer had been nibbling on the sturdy artichoke that survived our intense summer heat. I moved that plant and the rhubarb into the greenhouse. They both take up way too much room but I want them to survive. I want to climate control the greenhouse this upcoming season. We have to replace panels that were blown off during a storm. Next, we will wrap the exterior of the greenhouse in visqueen so we don't have them blow out again.
I violated my own challenge, not once but twice. But it did prevent me from buying unnecessary fabric.
I knew I was missing yellow/gold fabric in my stash having reorganized it at year's end. I really struggled with this $2 purchase. First violation occurred on 1/12.
The second violation occurred on 1/25. Not usually a fan of pink fabric, this pattern looked retro to me. I had to have it, AND included with that was a nice piece of blue/green upholstery fabric. I opted for the $1.50 bag of fabric, rather than the $8.49 bag that was in my cart.
Sharing these images sure to make you grin.

I am kicking around the idea of selling more of my projects. 26 works in progress in various stages of completion. It is almost too much for me. I have entered craft project overload. I may be knocking off projects on my list by noting "sold." I just mailed out a batik kit to one of my buyers that I had recently unearthed in my tub of shame.
A discouraging development in the quilting realm - I had found a longarmer who was establishing herself by offering affordable long arm quilting services but after building her clientele, her prices doubled. I am grateful I was able to send 6 quilts to her, all done in different quilting designs. I will really have to save up to get that specialty quilting. Back to cross-hatching and straight line stitching.

I am kicking around the idea of selling more of my projects. 26 works in progress in various stages of completion. It is almost too much for me. I have entered craft project overload. I may be knocking off projects on my list by noting "sold." I just mailed out a batik kit to one of my buyers that I had recently unearthed in my tub of shame.
A discouraging development in the quilting realm - I had found a longarmer who was establishing herself by offering affordable long arm quilting services but after building her clientele, her prices doubled. I am grateful I was able to send 6 quilts to her, all done in different quilting designs. I will really have to save up to get that specialty quilting. Back to cross-hatching and straight line stitching.