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Monday, March 8, 2021

Theme Reveal for the April A to Z Challenge

It is the Ghastly Orange Goddess of the AtoZ Challenge Theme Reveal. My previous challenges focused on thrifting, fashion, sewing, and such. Both the dress and gloves are thrifted, the dress a recent $4 purchase from the local store. 

I've got a great theme for 2021:

Reselling on eBay

As a top-rated Powerseller, I have learned a few tips and tricks. I am still small potatoes but am debt free because of the profit from my sales. 

I recall at the height of this challenge a few years ago around 2,500 people participated. I would say a good 500 or so didn't complete the challenge, perhaps didn't even get past the letter "C." This trick to being successful is to have ALL of your letter posts queued up and completed before that letter day arrives. 

Here are links to the prior year's theme reveals and an "A" post of my completed AtoZ challenges.  

2018 atoz-theme-reveal

2017 - I was a no show. 

2016 atoz-theme-reveal

2015 atoz-theme-reveal

2014 atoz-theme-reveal

2013 Letter A-is-for-angels

The host noted it is Year 12 for this International Event. I am thrilled to be joining back in all the fun. Join for the launch on April 1st of this momentous challenge!

#AtoZChallenge 2021 Theme Reveal


  1. Ok, now that I know your blog exists I expect it to be one of my favorites! I didn't do the A to Z until 2018, and was overwhelmed by how many blogs were participating, so didn't "find" yours. Just the title alone would make me sit up and take notice! I LOVE THRIFTING! As someone who only occasionally sells on eBay, I look forward to your A to Zs.

  2. As someone completely confused by eBay, I' look forward to learning a lot from your posts! Good luck with the challenge.

  3. Awesome! I've got some good random veggie recipes over on the glutton blog:

  4. Love the theme and look forward to your posts!

  5. I use to sell on eBay many years ago. It was a lot of fun. Looking forward to learning how selling on eBay works these days. Have fun with the challenge.

    Weekends In Maine

  6. Oh, this is going to be an interesting theme! I have bought stuff on ebay, but never sold any. I'm curious. Also, what a fun dress :)
    Good luck with the diet!

    The Multicolored Diary

  7. This looks like a fun theme! I am hoping to stop by during the A to Z Challenge.

  8. Great theme, and I'm looking forward to your posts.

  9. Great theme and interesting! My father used to sell on eBay so you'll give me some insight into what he did.

  10. Interesting theme! I am selling on Etsy so I will be interested to see the differences.

    Janet’s Smiles


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