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Sunday, March 20, 2016

AtoZ Theme Reveal

Me fluffing the fabric and more on the apron later

What has become a tradition prior to the flurry of April alphabetic posts is the A-to-zchallenge Theme Reveal. One more chance to let others know who you are and what amazing things you will be posting. 

My theme this year will be Fabric Art and Collectible Americana.

January - I begin preparing my posts starting with a germ of an idea for each letter day.
February - I set up the shells for each post adding the #atozchallenge and the graphic letter represented from the challenge website.
By the middle of March, I have at least half of the posts scheduled to publish. 
From the middle of March until April 1st, I flesh out the posts with more photographs and writing.

I used to visit the other participants when the challenge began with the "A" letter day but this year I began visiting those on the list prior to the beginning of the challenge so I could get a better sense of their actual blog theme.

One thing I have noticed in my pre-AtoZ travels, if you use the word "random" in your blog title or description, you are in good company, it is the most consistently used word of those (500+) blogs I have visited on this year's list.

I can't call myself a Commando Thrift Shopper if I don't highlight my finds. This past weekend hospice special was ten cents for pink tags, $7 for the lot - belt, basket, hat, blouse and patterns. 

The pink hat might make an appearance at some point during the challenge. The green ruffled shirt is slated to appear on my "R" letter day post of Ruffles and Refashioning.

The piece de resistance of this 10 cent pattern packet was this undated vintage Simplicity doll pattern. One online reseller placed the pattern as 1940s. Happy, happy, joy, joy! 

If you want to join the April month-long challenge, there is still time, a-z-challenge-sign-up-list-2016.

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