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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Jazzed about the AtoZ April Challenge

With just a few days remaining till April 1st, I just wanted to mention how jazzed I am about this year's AtoZ challenge. The bulk of my preparation is over and I am refining my posts. Once I moved away from the strict definition of each day's letter, the fun factor for me increased exponentially.

I do try to balance my chosen theme with my regularly scheduled posts featuring fashion linkups. Gawd, how I love fashion, esp. thrifted fashion.

College classes in store me from now until the end of the year include Business Law and a new one, since I have already taken public speaking (loved it), my choice for the fall is The Communication Experience.  It is described as special emphasis placed on practical experience within groups, facilitation of interpersonal relationships, as well as message design and delivery for multiple purposes and to diverse audiences. Sounds like a keeper to me! 

Hello to my new readers on Google+. Those of you not linked into that platform are missing out, it is where I garner the most page views and newest followers.

As of this post, there are over 1,600 bloggers participating in April and there is still time to sign up!  a-z-challenge-sign-up-list-2016

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