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Friday, April 1, 2016

The AtoZ Apron and Advertising Tins

To kick off Day "A" to the A to Z Blogging Challenge, I present the first of two refashions of this month-

The AtoZ Apron!

Formal wear optional when hanging laundry

On my theme-reveal, I grannied it up with a $1 maxi dress, along with other thrifted items. Every frock deserves its fifteen minutes of fashion fame!  

The apron was constructed with patchwork and cut squares from a bag of thrifted material.

I used a decorative stitch along the side borders and added a tie and white lace trim to the bottom border.

Welcome to Year 4 of my participation in the challenge. My first year I focused on All Things Thrifting and since there were fewer participants my page views soared!

Year 2 my theme was A Frolic through Fashion and Flowers and Year 3 theme was Something Completely Different

This year's theme Fabric Art and Collectible Americana will feature some quilting, sewing, fashion, thrifting and, as part of the mix, my usual mischief and rebelliousness.

I had the pleasure of visiting some of the 2016 AtoZ blogs during March and I will be linking back to a couple of them, mentioning some others I have discovered in years past and introducing you to new-to-me bloggers worth a looksee. 

A large percentage of the participants are writers, either published, self-published or working on being published. While I am in none of those categories, I entertain myself learning what resonates in this blogging platform. 

My posts are scheduled to publish at 1:00am Pacific Daylight Time. I would be interested to find out what countries are represented in the approximately 2,000 participants. 

One of the things I search for thrift shopping are patterns, the earlier the better. Finding this 1953 Simplicity apron pattern made my day. 

Some of my posts will include images from the 1945 The Complete Book of Sewing, surprisingly well written and comprehensive. 

A recently-found source of images will be posted from the 1966 publication BHG Stitchery and Crafts.  

Where I found an apron extravanganza!

Satin Apron, 1850 image from the 1963 Woman's Day Book of American Needlework

Collectible Americana of advertising tins are on my thrift shop hunt-for list. Here are two I purchased for their color scheme.

Join me in my April journey! Any aprons in your family? Advertising tins in the attic? 

Please comment if you stopped by and leave your blog link so I can repay the visit. 

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