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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Helloo All to Day "A" and a Hat Attack

Welcome to the first day's post of lead-off letter "A" in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.  I am numero 73 on the 2014 signup list - Tami @ Thrift Shop Commando.

Last year my posts centered around All Things Thrifting.  This year will be a Frolic through Fashion and Flowers.

I will model a few fashion ensembles, highlight other fashion bloggers, feature models from the 1952 Speigel catalog and an illustration from:

First day of the month is the Style Crone's HAT ATTACK
described as:  A linkup to display your hat, headwrap, headpiece, fascinator, hair flower, headband or other adornment for your head that you adore.  

Style Crone - Hat Attack

It is Hat Attack #9 and here is that blogger in her uber cool headgear in a previous month's offering.  

I have taken a totally different tack (pun intended) we are all up into Western where I live (yes, they still make Western wear).  My hat, headband and fringed jacket are all thrifted.

While I live in the country, I work in the grand metropolis of Sacramento, California.  It won't all be one-eyed Western wear.  Join me for this month-long blog frolic!

And, our cover girl!

The last "A" of the Day is that I have been nominated for:

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