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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Helga Von Trollop

Highlighting the letter "H" in the A to Z Blogging Challenge.  Helga Von Trollop is one of my enduring favorites in the alt fashion realm.  She marches to her own colorful drummer.  I call her an icon, she just laughs at me ~ The way she describes herself says it all, "I’m a vintage freak who loves cats, likes to sing, cook, watch 70's English sitcoms, read, go opshopping, have bouffant hair and prance about in a most unseemly manner."

Her writing style is delightful with colorful Melbournian words like "squeee," and "feck," and "arse."

Post updated: She is now on Instagram as ladygarsington.

Nothing to do with Helga - just wanted to mention my love affair with Haflinger slippers, one of my few retail indulgences.

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