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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Tig and the Time Warp

"T" the letter of the day at the A to Z Blogging Challenge.  Leading off with Tig, our 20 year old ranch cat.  She has endured trials and tribulations.  She looks like she is ready to do the Time Warp (YouTube link below).

It seems only fair that Tig get equal time on my "pet" posts of now "T," "X," and "Z."

I have tried to find a balance between my blogger mentions and Tami thrifted ensembles.  I don't want you to go into TAMI OVERLOAD.

There is such as thing as "atozfatigue."  Those who have or are participating the A to Z Blogging Challenge know what I am taking about.  So, let's do the TIME WARP again!

1952 taupe and lace dress

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