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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Citizen Rosebud is all the rage

Representing for the letter "C" in this A to Z Challenge is Bella Q at the Citizen Rosebud.  She is a Seattle girl, hailing from my hometown.  She also sells pre-loved and vintage clothing online and in her bricks and mortar store.  This recent post explains how she evolved as a fashion photographer/model vintage-love-my-life-as-fashion-model.

She also hosts a Friday fashion linkup.

"I guess what I'm trying to share (along with my puzzling fondness for running around in mom shorts) is that to shop #SECONDHANDFIRST you don't need to SHOP. At all. As in, you can SHOP YOUR CLOSET. Or check out a free pile. Or accept your neighbor's hand-me-downs. Which in this case, is that fabulously floral vintage polyester blouse of geekdom."

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