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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Queen for a Day

"Q" letter for the A to Z Blogging Challenge.  There is a holiday or celebration nearly every month of the year. Everyone should have one day of their own.  My choice is Queen for A Day.  It is shame that formal wear is worn for, well, only formal events.  Ball gown and Birkis - such fun!

The inspiration for this Queen for a Day post was this Dave & Johnny gown.  I snapped it up at a 50% off clothing day at Thrift Town for $4.  It is luscious.  It is swooshy.  It is like eating cotton candy.  You have so much fun wearing it - you don't want it to end.  Maybe I could lounge around in the gown and drop Mae West-isms like "I've been things and seen places," or "Too much of a good thing is wonderful!"

Queen pink cowgirl hat
Pink Barbie nostalgic collection
Rhinestone necklace
Dave & Johnny gown
(all thrifted)
Pink and white striped Birkis (retail)

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