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Monday, April 12, 2021

Julia Child and Just Do It

J letter day for the A to Z Challenge 

I loves me Julia Child. I watch her show on PBS just to hear her coo over food. One of the AtoZ challenges is a media one to post a video. Here is a fun one of mine, 

Just Do It -- Whatever your heart desires and may it enrich the lives of others. 

Jewish Schaleth

Line a greased iron saucepan, or a large mould for "Pommes Anna," with a thin layer of ordinary noodle paste, and fill it up with the following preparation:--For a utensil large enough to hold one and a half quarts:--one and three quarters lbs. of thickly stewed russet apples; one and a quarter lbs. in all of seeded Malaga raisins, currants, and sultana raisins (plumped in tepid water) in equal quantities; the finely grated zests of half an orange and a half lemon; a bit of grated nutmeg; four oz. of powdered sugar; four whole eggs and the yolks of six; and a quarter pint of Malaga wine. Mix the whole well, in advance. 

Cover the layer of the noodle paste; seal the latter well down round the edges; brush with egg, and make a slit in the top for the escape of steam. Bake it in a moderate oven for 50 minutes and let it rest for 10 minutes before turning it out. 

The Escoffier Cook Book

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