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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Two goals, oh jeez, who am I kidding ...

Challenge prompt: "Do you want to learn to ride an elephant? Or fly on a trapeze? Or juggle fire? What new things would you like to learn? Tell us about two goals you hope to achieve."
Ok, so I was all set with this prompt on a perfectly acceptable post of how I had some goals, you know, a couple of them, and then my friend sent me this.

I ended "liking" inappropriate mom on FB and it just degenerated from there.
I aspire to learn photoshop so I can add totally inappropriate text and post vlogs that make absolutely no sense.
There, my two goals. Humble and yet still attainable.

For those still with me on this one, if you are a regular reader, you know I post quite often about my quilt projects and my career aspirations.

Let er fly - what are your totally inappropriate goals?

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