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Friday, June 10, 2016

A toast to my top 10

Challenge prompt: "Share a link to ten blogs you enjoy. Tell us why you think they deserve a toast! Or share links to the top ten posts on your blog from last year according to your stats or share your favorite ten posts since the inception of your blog."
I recently highlighted bloggers I had discovered during the AtoZ challenge Zipping-things-up-for-atoz-challenge. I also have an ongoing blogroll of Blogodacious blogs, my absolute favorites of the 100 or so that I have on my RSS reader.
I have chosen to highlight my favorite top 10 posts. The interesting thing about blogging is that you never know what will be liked or shared. You think, "oh yeah, this post is going to be soooo popular" and then it falls flat. Other posts you wonder why it is so intriguing, what in the world did you do right?

In date order with the most recent:

I so enjoyed creating this "A" post for the AtoZ Challenge, it incorporates nearly all of the elements that intrigue me - fashion and sewing, vintage patterns and retro publications.

The $5 Thrift Challenge didn't start out that way and nearly wrote itself.

Hilo Hattie and National Sewing Month (in September) has a little bit of everything.

Feeling Groovy was an excuse to showcase a cool retro suit and some 70s sewing patterns. Feeling-groovy

5-things-only-thrift-shoppers-understand - self explanatory

Back to Black and Platinum Hair was my celebration of re-coloration after attempting to sport my natural hair color.

Ice cream cone soft sculpture hat was done as a lark.

There is a big yellow skirt that has been sent around the world to fashion bloggers who have modeled it, blogged about it and sent it on its way.  Here was my interpretation of the Traveling Yellow Skirt Freak Show.

Wonky camera images lent itself to a fun-to-compose post.

I used to work in wonderfully old building built in 1900s and I swear it was haunted - here was that post.
Do you believe in ghosts?

Hope you can visit some or all of my favorites.

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