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Friday, December 21, 2012

Countdown to Kitschmas Day 21 and The Mayan Apocalypse

Y'all know about the Mayan calendar end of the world thingee ... well, I've hopped right into: 

Hosted by thewarriormuse and apocalypsenow

The rules are simple:
1. Choose your apocalypse
2. Sign up on the linky below
3. Tell us how you prepared for your survival amongst everyone else's demise
4. Describe your apocalypse and how it's going down
5. Make sure the badge is displayed on your blog
6. Visit your fellow survivors and see how their world ended

I think I would keep a close eye on what the North Koreans are doing, just sayin.  A recent headline front page on The Wall Street Journal read, "North Korea's Reclusive Leader Basks in Controversial Launch."  It was a successful launch of a long-range rocket (sans warhead) and in violation of the U.N. Security Council's resolutions.  

Sooo, if it is not the N. Koreans, then, it must be the zombies, they'll do us all in.  D**n, we can't get ahold of any more Twinkies here in the USA.  We all know that is zombie disaster foodage, that and Red Bull.

Moving right along with my Countdown ...

This long stitch is my idea of how to find the perfect Christmas tree or just enjoy the winter weather.

What I am listening to George Strait's Fresh Cut Christmas.

Speaking of fresh cut - just had to include this "singing" Christmas tree - just a tad quirky, another gem from  The description reads:  It appears to go on with motion, as it sometimes goes on right away and other times it starts up when someone goes near it. It is loud and startling since the face is hidden until it starts singing.

This is a 24-day blog hop, you can link in anytime during that period, no rules - other than family friendly, no follows required, link up your posts that are:

Outfits - Ugly Christmas Sweaters most def welcome!  


  1. I like the "In Case of Zombies Break Glass" thing.

    Precious Monsters

  2. Ha! That was awesome. Loved the forecast. Sadly, there are no more Twinkies, which is the end of the world for some. We have to find a new zombie survival snack food alternative, and fast! :)

  3. North Korea -- seriously. Be afraid, be very afraid! Or...don't worry, be happy.

  4. I bet Eggo waffles would work for apocalypse food. And North Korea, seriously scary!

    Thanks for participating!

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

  5. Zombies are our friends... don't hit me again... ow!

    Did we make it?
    My link is dead, I ask again did we make it?
    [Visit my post for that to make sense]

    Great end of the world post!!
    Jeremy [Retro]
    Oh No, Let's Go... Crazy

  6. twinkies and red bull - that will get your heart pumping

  7. We never had Twinkies in the UK - how on earth should we cope against the zombies? :-o

    SueH (I Refuse To Go Quietly!)

  8. I've never eaten a twinkie. (Not because I'm smug or anything, just because they aren't a big thing in Canada.) I'm not sure if that makes my chances better or worse.

  9. North Korean missles? They can't get 'em up!! Twinkies may survive edible cockroaches.

    Thanks for playing and stop by and get your badge.



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