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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Countdown to Kitschmas Day 2 ~ nom nom nom

Delectable Day 2 - let us ponder the deliciousness of ...

strawberries and cream!

Day 2's kitsch is's Weigh-in Santa (he sold for $30) - the thing we will be doing round the first of the year.  

Or we could try shaking the weight off - Hippy Shakin Santa has the right idea!  

What I am listening to ~ The Oak Ridge Boys Christmas Cookies.

This is a 24-day blog hop, you can link in anytime during that period, no rules - other than family friendly, no follows required, link up your posts that are:

Outfits - Ugly Christmas Sweaters most def welcome!  

Just for kicks and giggles, I've linked in to the Baby Faces Blogfest

I thought this image fit right in with the two blog hops ~ (that is the 2 year old me ...)

Christmas and crying seem to go hand-in-hand.  Or is it kids and crying?  I can't recall ... 


  1. I'm sorry, but I did LOL when I saw that picture (which is AWESOME, by the way). With my kid now in college, whenever I see a kid doing that kinda thing in public I either roll my eyes or sniggle (snort + giggle), especially if they're bawling for no reason. You fall down and get hurt or something? OK, that's a legit reason to cry. Otherwise, shaddup. :-)
    Some Dark Romantic

    1. Yeah, I was the mom from h**l, when my kids would cry I would clap my hand over their mouth on the exhale and remove it on the inhale. Shoulda just let them cry - I think they are traumatized for life now.

  2. I have two little kids, and it seems like kids and crying go hand in hand. Major holidays like Christmas may bring it about more due to changes in routine and being around large groups of people. The picture is awesome though!

  3. Yup, babies crying and Christmas go hand in hand. I texted my kids and told them that there was an old fashioned Santa at the Star Mill. My youngest son texted back, "If only our kids weren't afraid of Santa". Oh, so many memories of crying kids on poor old Santas lap. Thanks for the invite. Hope you will come join in on 'Creating Christmas'.

  4. Love your blog concept here. Makes me laugh. My first job was at a thrift store. Worked there for almost 3 years, so I can't imagine having to sift through that stuff for fun, lol. Go you!

    1. Thank you for the compliment. I'd suffer burnout if I had to WORK at a thrift shop.

  5. LOL. I had to giggle at your baby picture :) Poor little baby. Thanks for sharing :)

  6. Love the Christmas pictures. I didn't recognize the strawberries until you pointed it out.

    And the baby picture---Awwww! Poor baby.

    Wrote By Rote

  7. Ummmm those strawberries look delicious. I may have to try that...

    Poor kid. You looked pretty heartbroken.
    Thanks for stopping by! Cheers!!

  8. Great idea for a party! I'll definitely be taking part!

  9. Awe the picture makes me sad. Poor sweetheart.

    Santa on the scale is awesome!

  10. Oh dear. You didn't want the spotlight, that's for sure.

  11. Aw, sad baby! I don't know why, but crying baby pics are still cute.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

  12. Oh...You poor little girl! Just look at those big old tears and that sad face. You were clearly not happy and very much against being up on the stage. I don't blame you, Tami!

    I love your features. Those little strawberry Santas are the cutest! What an adorable lineup of sportin Santas!

    Thanks for hosting and I will head up to join in with all your other friends.


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