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Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas!

A 1994 image of my mom and dad in Leavenworth, Washington. 

The Tami 2015 version


2018 - Queen of the Christmas CD
The 2021 version

Recipe of the Day from the Antique American Cookbooks Home Cookery Ladies' Indispensable Companion:

Curried Lobster

Cut up your meat, and add pepper, salt, vinegar, and a quarter of a pound of butter to a large lobster. Shake in a little flour. Add some curry powder mixed with water, and thin the lobster with water. Scald well together, and it is done. To be eaten with rice. 

Christmas trivia: In White Christmas, what was everybody hoping for? Snow!

What I am listening to:

Wishing all good tidings of great joy and a Happy New Year! And to all a Good Night!

1 comment:

  1. . Happy stitching. Wishing you and your family a wonderful festival and all the best in 2022! take care now


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