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Monday, December 13, 2021

Weird and Wacky Day on the Countdown to Christmas

While I am a fan of collectible dolls, this Christmas card seems creepy to me. 

The image above is a Colossal Papier Mache Christmas Balls from the 1976 BHG Treasures from Throwaways.  The papier mache is placed over the inflated weather balloon. 

Christmas trivia: In England, what does finding a button in the plum pudding mean to an unmarried man? Bachelorhood.

Recipe of the Day from the Antique American Cookbooks Home Cookery Ladies' Indispensable Companion:

New York Plum Pudding

Butter a pudding dish, and grate into it a stale loaf; over this put a layer of raisins and pieces of butter with cinnamon sprinkled in. Then make as good a custard as you choose, and pour slowly over the whole. Make two layers of the bread, salt to taste. Bake one hour.

What I am listening to:

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