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Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Day of the Krampus

It just wouldn't be right if I didn't devote a day to Krampus, a half-goat, half-demon monster who punishes misbehaving children at Christmastime. 

We have had a lot of fun with that mask, that and other costumes I scored at a hospice thrift bin-diving event a few months ago. The Mr., who does not like to appear on social media, is my mask-wearing cohort. 

Recipe of the Day from the Antique American Cookbooks Home Cookery Ladies' Indispensable Companion:

Salem Harbor Dish

Cut the fat from your beef, and fry it out; slice four onions, and fry them also. After taking up the onions, fry the meat in the same fat about 20 minutes. Add salt, pepper, and flour. Cover it with just enough water to make a rich gravy when done, allowing for the boiling away of the water. Add crackers or not, as you please; it is nicer with. It requires 3 hours' cooking. 

Christmas trivia: In A Charlie Brown Christmas, what does Lucy want for Christmas? Real estate.

What I am listening to:

Links to past Countdown Krampus days:

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