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Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Eve and Holiday Stitchery

A few holiday stitchery images.

I could not pass up this beautifully stitched table runner, found just a few days ago 99 cents at thrift almost made it criminal! The close-up of this piece is in the lead-off image.
This sort of linen joins my personal collection. I know the work that goes into a completed cross-stitch. 

Recipe of the Day from the Antique American Cookbooks Home Cookery Ladies' Indispensable Companion:

Tipsy Cake

Cut a pan of sponge cake in halves, and place it in two glass dishes; stick it over full of blanched and quartered almonds. Wet the cake with wine. Drop raspberry jam about it, and then make a nice soft custard and pour over and around it. 

Christmas trivia: How do you say "Merry Christmas" in Italy? Bono Natale.

What I am listening to:

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