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Saturday, December 4, 2021

Say Hello to Santa

Wearing Santa on your shoulder

Recipe of the Day from the Antique American Cookbooks Home Cookery Ladies' Indispensable Companion:

New York Gingerbread

One quart of molasses, six ounces of butter, one ounce of ginger, one ounce of pearlash, one pint of milk, three eggs. Use as much flour as will make it the thickness of pound cake.

Christmas trivia: What beach movie star portrayed Mary in the 1961 version of Babes in Toyland? Annette Funicello

What I am listening to:

As an aside, I reactivated my Pinterest account. I like to look up recipes and I pin all of this Countdown stuff there. 

Thrift shop update - another original work of art find, a still life on canvas done in chiaroscura. This one more in line with my budget at $14.99. I think the canvas could use a good cleaning. 

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