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Thursday, April 11, 2013

J is for Jeans and Jewelry - A to Z Writing Challenge topic

J is for Jeans, jeans and more jeans.  Mom jeans, 80s jeans, low slung jeans, there are more jeans than you could ever imagine at the thrift shops.  There are racks and racks of them, jean castoffs, jean-tastrophes.  While I did score some True Religion brand jeans ($5 thrift shop find) a couple of months ago, that sort of discovery is rare.  Want to find a pair of those red-tag vintage Levi jeans?  Well, good luck, those have been snapped up a long, long time ago.  

I just have to add jewelry under All Things Thrifting.  I just cannot resist little bits of costume jewelry.  The one thing I bought this past weekend thrifting was the love necklace ($3.50) displayed outside of the etched glass container.  Also, draped across the Hippie Chic perfume bottle is a dark blue beaded flower bracelet with light blue beaded centers (a previous thrift shop find).  That piece reminds me of the beadwork I used to create when I was a teenager. 

A to Z Challenge [2013]

Please vote for me as Best Local Sacramento Blogger.  Vote button is at the top of this post.  Thanks!


  1. You are Splendid. If i can't have you for an immediate neighbor - I am thrilled with second best - Having you as a blogger neighbor . . . just know, if i could buy you coffee and treat to nibble while i listened to your stories & admired your finds . . i would. Your stories have sparkle.
    Happy A to Z!

    1. I'm delighted you visit AND comment on a regular basis.

  2. I like how you've displayed your pretties, so clever.

  3. I have bought jeans from garage sales to harvest the pockets. I like to embellish them and put them on the front of decorated journals. They are handy to put pens and note cards in.

  4. I have found some great clothes at the local thrift follower from the challenge, blessings and thanks for sharing! Jeans are hard to find or fit at a thrift shop but every once in a blue moon you find a pearl!

    Shannon at I Survived and Now I Run

  5. I love thrifting! That is one of the things I miss living overseas. I always find very expensive label clothes sometimes with the tags still attached. I turned my kids into thrifters too! I shall be home soon and will be making my rounds to local Goodwill and Salvation Army Boutiques! You are a girl after my own heart. :)

    Shirletta @ Shirleyisnotmyname

    1. I know the aussies call it op-shopping. I can't imagine NOT being able to thrift. You, sweet Shirletta, are thrift-deprived!

  6. My Mother hit the motherload in the elusive vintage red-tag Levis. She was so excited, she actually cried in the car!!!

    1. I would cry too - but tears of joy and after cashing the $500 check after selling them on Ebay!

  7. I have such a hard time finding jeans that fit me correctly- and the good ones are so darn expensive! Need to check out a thrift shop...

  8. I like the stretchy jeans.

    Blogging A to Z Challenge

  9. I really don't like costume jewelry the way it is, but I do love to use it for other applications. There are all kinds of fun crafts for costume jewelry.

    #atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:

    1. It is true - I rarely wear the stuff. It usually ends up on my dollies and stuffed animals ... and perfume bottles.

  10. I am ALL for thrift shop jeans - but rarely can find them under $10. Writer’s Mark

  11. I really have to see if we have any thrift shops in Dublin here, I just love discovering things


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