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Monday, April 8, 2013

G is for Gold, gravy boat and garden toad - A to Z Writing Challenge topic

Gold is the ultimate treasure-hunter’s dream.  I can boast of one thrift shop find pin in recent years made of 14k gold.

And gravy boat - the story on this sweetie is I had a gravy boat, a fancy pure white one I bought at Macy's for $15 or $20.  When I bought it at retail price, I thought, "What am I doing?  I can find one of these at the thrift shop."

To a thrifter's eyes, the rubbed off decoration shows character, that it has been well used.  Worth the 50 cent price I paid for it.

Just HAD TO share garden toad. I think he is adorable. I was preparing the vegetable garden bed and there he was. I admit to moving him to the flower garden and staging him by the toadstool.  He seemed to tolerate his brief modeling stint. 

A to Z Challenge [2013]

Please vote for me as Best Local Sacramento Blogger.  Vote button is at the top of this post.  Thanks!


  1. You completely make my day - Your gravy boat - and the Thrift Store Truth - Yay You! - in other countries people would tell you the thrift store gravy boat has wabi sabi - and therefore has far more value . . I agree.

    And - the Brilliant fun of asking a toad to model - AND - the Toad, sensing your coolness level (which is over the moon wonderful) - complies - without even asking an agent to broker a deal.
    Thank you for brightening my day!
    Happy AtoZ!

    1. Wabi sabi - I like that ... will be my newest phrase.

      Yes, Toad was quite happy to model for ze Von Zalez. *grins*

  2. Hi Tami. Terrific theme you have here. I'm a gold addict ... just not so good finding it my myself ;) so I'm loving that and blue stone. I think it is a very good find. Wish you all the best in the challenge.

    Alternative Foodie
    from the nuttybean

  3. Great way to start the day. Love your humor and your photos.

  4. :) Those garden toads always scare me--usually because I am not expecting anything to move and they jump just as I reach down to the ground. :) Happy G Day!

  5. Hi! Sandy from

    I love thrift shops and when I lived in Palm Springs, they have the best there! I picked up a gold bracelet, that was about 3/4 of an inch too small for my arm, it was 1.00! The elderly lady behind the counter said "oh Sandy, what do you want with that old thing". I took it to a jewelry store, had it weighed, put it on eBay, and sold it for 330.00 to a man that collects 24k artifacts from Peru, which is where it was from. That, was a good day:) Thanks for visiting my blog!

  6. I love the pin, and I love the toad. And the toadstool! :) Very pretty!

  7. Hey fellow a-z blogger. Love the pictures! I think I need to find myself a thrift shop.

  8. I love thrift shops. You never know what you'll find, plus it's usually very inexpensive compared to buying new. Great to have pics with your posts.

    Visiting you from A to Z. You paid my blog a visit.


  9. I'm a thrift shop junkie too! Not a fan of shopping in general really but find thrift shops fun...sort of like a game I suppose. I see what you mean about the toad and toadstool! I love that photo. Would love to have it as a desktop background!

  10. Visiting from the A- Z challenge. Love your theme and will be back

  11. All three of those things are fabulous! I'm a big fan of any kind of cute animal statue or sculpture.

    From A to Z, Kristen's blog:


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