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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I is for Images - A to Z Writing Challenge topic

I collect images, preferably ones in the 35mm slide format dating from the 1940s through the 1970s.  I have posted a series of rescued images from the New York World's Fair in 1965 and from the Seattle World's Fair in 1962 from my family photo archive (second series here.)

The majority of the ones I come across are family gathering poses and travel photos. Every once in while, there is a gem, like this one I believe taken in Jackson, Michigan.

Another repeat and well worth a repost is The Clamdiggers, 1953, Washington.

And here is the 1983 version of me ~

A to Z Challenge [2013]

Please vote for me as Best Local Sacramento Blogger.  Vote button is at the top of this post.  Thanks!


  1. What an Ideal Idea...collection of 40's-70's photos. Most Image collectors go for the late 1800's me! I find them very useful and an added dimension to my Family History and their stories. Did you 'Thrift' that skirt?

    You are INVITED to a Quilt INVITATION on CITexasGal Link.
    Sue CollectInTexasGal
    AtoZ LoneStar Quilting Bee

    1. I didn't find as many clothes then as I do now - the sundress was retail.

  2. What an interesting collection. I wonder if anyone even uses slide film anymore...?

    Jenny at Choice City Native

    1. If they do, they have to have their own darkroom to process the film.

  3. Great photos. You look so glammerous.

  4. I'm known in my family as the man to go to for old pictures. Unfortunately, I'm also accused as the one who took all the photos before our mom passed. But, if I hadn't (and I didn't) who knows where they'd be?
    BTW: 1983 you? Hubba, hubba.

  5. Very cool. I love old Polaroids too. I have quite a few. I've been scanning them in before they get even more degraded.

    #atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:

  6. I just recently came across a bunch of old slides from our early married days. They are not as old as those you collect though. Ornery thought slides were the best, but now that they are all faded and those images are practically gone, I think he is reassessing his opinion.

    1. You know, the funny thing is, the slides from the early 50s preserved better than the slides in the 60s and 70s. I think the quality of the slide and the development process degraded.

  7. I love old pics. I have a few tin-types my grandmother saved and a few older ones that are purely black and white. The older 60/70's ones that thick and 4x4's are by far my favorite. I just like the way the feel.
    Dani @ Entertaining Interests

  8. You were very pretty! Dig the old car in the second photo.


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