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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

B is for Baby Doll Mugshots - A to Z Writing Challenge Topic

Baby doll mug shots are one of the features of my blog.  I re-post pictures from that offer the dolls for sale to the highest bidder.  Some of the dollies have lead long and fraught-filled lives, there are parts missing, eyes glazed over, hair askew.  There are child-inflicted brands of pen marks on the face, teeth-marks on the fingers and toes, hair that has been inexpertly trimmed.  The dolls’ faces reflect the style of the era they were manufactured (born).  Some look startled, others sad, other perpetually happy as though the cares of the ages have whisked on by.  Like stray dogs, I want to take all the baby dolls home.   

I just know I am going to hit this topic out of the park - there will NOT be another blog (of the nearly 2,000 linked to this event) with this same topic.  

A to Z Challenge [2013]

Please vote for me as Best Local Sacramento Blogger.  Vote button is at the top of this post.  Thanks!


  1. Hey Tami,
    Great idea for A-Z. I love thrift shops if only just to browse around and look at the re-purposed treasures. This Baby Doll Mugshots post is so neat. My Mom recently moved out of a house and we came across her baby doll from when she was a child. The hair is matted, the skin discolored, but the memories it holds are priceless.
    Brandy from

  2. I wish I still had my two dolls from childhood, Jane and Blueeyes. They were given to my cousins and after that, who knows. Its a very long time since I played with them.


    1. I had a Madame Alexander granny doll that disappeared in my many moves (I think she was stolen by a former roommate). It took me YEARS to locate another one on EBay. She is finally back in the dolly fold ~

  3. My mom always brings rescue stuffed toys home from thrifting. I have a bunch of them. Never have been big on dolls though, although they make great mug shots apparently :)

    1. I can't resist the stuffed toys either. Eventually, I give them away at Christmas - those ones that are like new with tags still attached.

  4. I'm strangely attracted to those fuzzy heads...its the oddest thing!

  5. It's so weird- I never got into babydolls as a child. Stuffed animals, yes, but I always thought babydolls were a little creepy. The aging on these hasn't really helped their case. Interesting post, but I think I'll stick to stuffed animals. Even though they get a little scurvy looking as they age (think teddy bears with mange).

    Hi from Nagzilla bloghopping A to Z

  6. never realize how creepy baby dolls are until you see the mug shots.

    No wonder my girls hate them. ~shiver~

    (Thanks for stopping by my blog!)

  7. Hi
    Great blog, going to enjoy visiting, thanks, see you soon.

  8. Nope, can't do baby dolls! They wig me out!

  9. As a kid, I was very into baby dolls (in fact that's my 'D'). Every summer, my dad would take us to this big outdoor flea market, and my entire focus was finding the doll that I would buy. I would not leave until I had one! Many looked like the ones you posted, it was never a new doll, but I didn't care, I loved the gently used ones just as much as new :)

    1. I've got you on Google reader now so I can see your dolly post~

  10. I bet you are right, quite unique, but will you be checking everyone just to be sure?? :)

    1. I hate to admit it, yes, I am visiting nearly every linked up blog. I am working my way backwards and am up to 873 on the list.

  11. I always feel sorry for toys/dolls in thrift/second hand shops. Once upon a time they were well loved, and helped soothe many a young child. Taken prisoner by baby or older brothers and held for ransom until sister or owner could rescue them. Monsters of dogs and cats who would take them away and try to bury them in the back garden or in their beds...and now they sit all alone in the shop looking for someone to see beyond the tattered and worn exterior and bring them home to be loved once again. I wish I could, but sadly I have no room. Great post thank you.

  12. I had so many when was a kid and still have one. Wish I could get hold of those in ur pics too. :) Great post. Thank you for sharing!

  13. I really find dolls quite creepy!

  14. This is going to sound strange, but have just realised that as I was reading, until I got to your picture, I thought you were a man! I didn't even realise that I read blogs assuming a certain gender wrote them until I was surprised at your picture! Now that I think about it, I think the last blog I wrote was written by a woman, but I am quite sure the author didn't say anything about their gender. How odd! I wonder if that makes me an awful person, but it wasn't even a concsious thing. Hmmmm.
    I also find dolls creepy, and I can't sleep with one on my bed.
    I really enjoyed reading your posts, and thrift shops are awesome! I love watching Storage Wars.

  15. When my daughter was two she had a doll we called "Crazy Hair" that looks identical to your first picture. Poor Crazy Hair was left behind at a Harley Davidson motorcycle shop. We told my heartbroken daughter that she was on a great motorcycle adventure like the Travelocity gnome. I think she traveled to you. Do you own a Harley?

  16. I saw a porcelain doll with a cracked face in a thrift shop the other day, which made it even more creepy.


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