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Monday, April 15, 2013

M is for Music - A to Z Writing Challenge topic

The majority of the music I buy are CDs from the thrift shops.  I gather a mix of the eclectic ranging from jazz to opera, movie soundtracks to gypsy folk songs.  It is method of discovering new music while not breaking the bank.  My secondary method of gathering music is to check out CDs from the local library and rip them to my laptop.

Thrift shop music find of the weekend, along with the black and white tank top:

I am always on the lookout for violin sheet music.  What I usually find is tons of piano sheet music, but not violin.

A to Z Challenge [2013]

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  1. I have bought some at garage sales and used book stores. It is hit or miss with how good the CD is, but usually I fare alright--especially since the most I will pay for used is $1.00. :)

    Happy M Day!

    1. Same here - I figure for $1, how could I go wrong? If I don't like the CD, then I will donate it to the Sacramento main library.

  2. I have the same problem. Violin sheet music is hard to come by.

  3. I never buy CDs. They just seem like a waste of money I don't have, though I would love to support hard-working artists. I use Playlist on the internet and listen to my favorite songs while I'm writing. I've considered buying some of my old-time favorites at garage sales, but I can never tell what condition they're in, and prefer to buy things I need anyway. The comment about violin sheet music intrigues me. Have you tried posting on Craigslist? You might find a mom cleaning out the closets who has a box full from when her children were in school. When we moved ten years ago I found a box of guitar sheet music from when I was a teenager. If my son didn't play the guitar I would give it to a musician. Great blog!

    1. I could keep an eye out for a CL post. I'm sort of laxidasical about collecting the sheet music. I'm not playing the violin right now, I hope to pick it back up when I retire.

  4. How fun! I never would have thought about buying anything musical at a thrift shop!

    #atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:


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