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Saturday, June 9, 2012

30-day writing challenge ~ Day 9 (Magic carpet)

Magic carpet ~ Day 9's topic.

The only thing that comes to mind on this prompt is a video place on the San Francisco's Pier 39 where the tourists can videotape themselves on a virtual magic carpet ride.

Have you ever had dreams of flying?  I have, it would begin with me laying flat on the ground with my arms outstretched and a gust of wind would pick me up.  I would fly!  I would soar higher and higher, then I'd get that feeling in the pit of stomach, abject fear and the thought, "I'm going to crash."  I would head back to earth, my feet back on solid (dreamworld) ground.

So much for today's topic.  It is a perfect sunny summer day - I'm headed outside!

Link to the other bloggers participating in the WWFC 30-day writing challenge ~

Thrift Town Friday meant goodies galore for Tami, a little bit of everything that I like.

A Susan Boyle CD, I Dreamed a Dream ($1.99), Johnny Otis presents the Best of R&B, Vol. 3 (99 cents), a 69 cent green rosebud vase, packet of three high quality bar soaps (one being my absolute favorite,  Crabtree & Evelyn's freesia, $1.99) and a black and white checkered sleeveless collared Inc. stretch shirt ($2.99).

There is the gratuitous blooming roses shot - I believe they are Double Delight and are oh so fragrant!


  1. I'd love to be able to fly, mainly because I think I'd look smashing in a cape. :-)

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one who is afraid of heights! I love going to antique and thrift shops! Such fun finds!

  3. I've been to Pier 39, but I never did that silly video thing. I did do that awesome crazy gyro/orbitron where you get strapped into the innermost of 3 giant rings, stretched out like Leonardo's Virtruvian Man, and they give the inner ring a shove and you go spinning every which way, changing directions. It was a great workout because you're straining every limb to try to steady yourself as you get wildly whipped upside down and sideways.

  4. I've often dreamed of flying. But without a carpet. Funny how that just doesn't work out in real life.


    I love my flying dreams. Or I should say I LOVED them. Why is it I only had them as a child? Have I forgotten how to soar!??


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