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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

30-day writing challenge ~ Day 27 (Side of the Road)

Side of the Road.  WWFC Day 27 writing topic.

This prompt brings to mind times I have seen burning vehicles along the side of the road.

The first event was in Phoenix, Arizona.  I was driving a black Plymouth Fury on Grand Avenue.  There was a car fully engulfed in flames on the other side of the road near the median.  I, oblivious to the laws of whatever, drove on the inside lane closest to the median. The heat I experienced when I drove by is the most intense I had ever known.  Young and dumb, I was uninjured, but still.

The second event was some years later.  A family in a motor home were heading south on I-5 to California.  Earlier we had passed them and when we happened upon them again, the motor home was engulfed in flames.  This happening I knew enough to view from afar.

Another item you see along the side of the road, especially up country, are rattlesnakes.  Those reptiles like to sun themselves in the middle of the road.  You can figure the outcome of that practice ~ squished snake.  Back at work today, I am already feeling like that squished snake.

Gotta have AAA - living out in BF Egypt and all (500 points - BAM).  

Link to the other bloggers (hitchhikers) participating in the WWFC 30-day writing challenge ~


  1. I've never passed a vehicle that was in flames, I'm glad to say.

  2. And that is the best place for snakes in my opinions!!

  3. Yes, but I'm confident in saying, you look nothing like a squished snake. And it's not how you feel, it's how you look!

  4. The only good snake is a squished snake!


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