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Friday, October 20, 2023

Purging of the Pyrex

I knew I had squirreled away Pyrex, but didn't realize I had three bowls to list. I pick up Pyrex if it is priced low enough when I can find it. I keep a few smaller pieces for my everyday use.

The zodiac one is the piece de resistance as it has its faded lid. The combined total listings are over $100. Icheeewahwah

On to quilt update: I am zooming along on the cat quilt for my niece. My goal is to make it king-sized with enough left over to make a donation quilt for our gift basket raffle at work for the Sacramento Food Bank. Here are the first 4 completed blocks. 

I am anxious to get a tiki bar quilt completed and listed on my Etsy store. I can applique tiki gods from other fabric on this first go around. For my competition quilt, it looks like I will have to patchwork piece the tiki. 

Hoping this day finds you well and sassy.