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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

No bigger than a minute

Little Lucky survived through the night. She was eating so that was a good sign. After I removed the burs from her fur, I saw she had mites so I am treating her for those. Getting an appointment on calendar for her vet appointment and when to get her spayed. All ears and eyes, she still hasn't realized she has landed high in the Pet Lottery. 

Reselling update: CDs are selling in the Christmas and Gospel genres. 

Still not selling Barbie clothes, craft books, and clothing. All the clothing is going to an exchange so I can buy cute things for me or my family. 

On the work front, I went through the fingerprinting process necessary for a Contingent Job Offer (CJO). There were a few more cars in the parking structure, not many but a few more than I have seen in the past few months. 

While I know things are dire for some, things are looking up for me. I feel fortunate to have gained this upper level analyst position. It is a job more attuned to my education and experience. 

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