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Sunday, December 3, 2023

Curious Case of the Closed Door

Including a story for Day 3 in this Countdown to Christmas. 

We have a downstairs bedroom where I store luggage and boxes of Christmas decor in the closet. Also in the bedroom are CDs for sale, and our DVD collection. The four-drawer dresser is full of fabric for my quilts-to-be. Atop the dresser are my sewing/quilting books. There is a windowed cabinet full of jars of buttons, and empty jars waiting to be filled. On the floor is the vintage dressmaker's form, and a bed mattress covered with one of my quilts and a crocheted blanket. That information is to give you the background on what is inside of that room. There are two things that could be suspect in this story, (1) the dressmaker's form, or (2) the gypsy doll I found in the rain in a box at an estate sale. All the other dolls, there was an entire room dedicated to them, were inside. The reason I say those two might be suspect as they both are from earlier time periods. 

Back to my story, a few months ago I had to go in to work and the Mr. had other appointments so I put the dog downstairs. The area consists of eBay inventory, work-out equipment, my sewing area, the downstairs bedroom, and the open area to a sliding glass door. We usually keep our dog, Zipper, upstairs but decided she should go downstairs while we were gone. When I returned home, Zipper was inside the downstairs bedroom with the door closed. I did not put her in that room. She was in the open area by the workout equipment. The door to the downstairs bedroom is not one that is closed easily as the carpeting interferes. 

The first time it happened, it perplexed me but I thought maybe I just wasn't paying attention and put her in that room. Maybe she pushed the door shut by herself. So downstairs she went the next time we had to leave the house. 

It happened again. I knew I hadn't put her in that room, yet the door was closed. It so spooked me. The Mr. suggested putting the trail cam downstairs because he feared it was an intruder. I doubted that, and really didn't want to know. Even though I am a huge fan of paranormal videos, I don't want it to happen to me. Each time the dog came out of the closed-door room, she looked wild-eyed. 

Fast forward to the middle of this October. I am up and down the stairs quite often during that day because my eBay inventory is stored there, the laundry room, etc. I see the door to the downstairs bedroom is closed. I didn't close the door. I doubt the Mr. closed it. I thought, "I'll fix your wagon!" I strapped the trail cam around Sally Stand-In and pointed it facing the door. 

I did not obtain any images, thankfully, but then I didn't do the test with the dog shut downstairs. 

The curious case of the closed door will be continued ...

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