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Saturday, January 15, 2022

Estate sales and a reason to shine again

Estate sales have started back up again after a holiday hiatus. 

I go to the Tinker O'Brien sales but rarely buy because the pricing is so astronomical. The antique sled was priced at $600, and the duck decoy at $65. 

A second estate sale was on its last day and items were being given away for free. I scored a few retro cookbooks, a couple of random linens and a pair of Wiss scissors that only needed a little lubricant. 

Thrifting update: My bag o' $2.99 fabric produced nearly all that was usuable. There were specialty prints and a piece of some nice patchwork piecework. 

Reseller update: After the culling of my Christmas CDs, I nearly attacked the books I had listed on eBay. I was going to pull dollhouse-related publications, and what do you know? They started selling. The same thing happened with my regular CDs. I wanted to cull some of those too, but then sales picked up. 

I made the culling mistake when I first began listing on eBay. When something didn't sell within a couple of months, I pulled it. It was until I put in a good year that I finally realized that you have to store a lot of stuff when there is a lot of stuff listed for sale. Luckily, I have settled into categories that the items are relatively small. 

Where sales have come to a skreeching halt are cookbooks. My theory is that now restaurants are beginning to open up, people are opting to not cook at home as much. I will keep listing those retro books though. 

Job update: Finally, after months of interviews with the state, I have secured a new position. My year+ with another department was nothing short of a disaster. I will still be in the legal field with an emphasis on health care. I am so looking forward to a new job with new colleagues. Gonna let my Tami light shine again. 

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