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Saturday, January 8, 2022

X Factor Quilt

This X Factor quilt project finally prompted me to quilting. I take long breaks from that activity, either from no devotion of time or from lack of interest. But when completed blocks come my way, they bump all other projects when it comes to one of my favorite activities - sewing together a quilt top. 

These quilts blocks came in a mystery bag of fabric. It was the first time I had seen blocks sewn together that were not trimmed. They were also sewn together in red and green thread on a machine with erratic stitching. The seam allowance ranged from 1/8" to 3/4" and the blue borders were uneven. The joining work could only be described as a Hot Mess. The blocks themselves were in pretty good shape though. 

The 26 blocks were freed from their blue-bordered prison. Each was ironed and then trimmed to 7".  I am grateful to mystery quilter for her effort that I can now enjoy. I place the fabrics as 1980s vintage. 

Some work in progress images that show the detail on the blocks and the LPs I was listening to at the time. At least 6 of the blocks were smaller than 7" square after it was all said and done. It was then that I was glad I hadn't given away all of my small remnant fabrics. I used those to supplement the odd-sized X blocks. I had more than enough plaid in my stash. I haven't decided whether to add more borders to make this less throw sized and more bed sized. 

Reseller update: Here is what the storage of 1,126 sewing patterns looks like. There are also needle kits and assorted linens/fabrics on the fourth shelf. All of the containers on the shelving were from thrift. I've caught up having ending the sewing pattern sessions. Turning my attention to a few books I've been able to pick up at thrift in the past couple of months. 

Ending the post with a Quilter's Code printed on a graphic T-shirt.

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