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Friday, January 28, 2022

Upcoming Writing Challenge and Sacramento Murals

There will be no quilt activity for awhile as my sewing machine is in for routine maintenance - a 7 week wait for service. 

I have been fairly non-participatory in blog/writing challenges, with the exception of joining into the Blogging from A to Z Writing Challenge last April. I am unsure if they are going forth this year, there was the loss of a key member. 

Another group I attached myself to a few years ago was weworkforcheese. Another key member passed, the last post on the blog was in 2015. 

I would love to find another group that possesses a spirit of fun. I did find 2022-february-flash-fiction-challenge at Writer's Digest. The prompts will be provided daily with the challenge running from February 1 to March 1. For instance, the prompt for 2021 Day 1 was "Write a story with no dialogue." 

Dropping off my equipment at my old job in Sacramento, it seems the streets and sidewalks had been cleared of the scads of homeless that had taken up residence. I assume they just moved on to the banks of the American River and are fighting for tent space there. 

I was able to see a couple of new murals along J Street in Sacramento. Soon, I hope to visit many more murals when I can go in office. 

Prices have risen at thrift. It is a shame. It means I will have to raise the prices on my listings. I am making the most of my last days of vacation, back to work on February 1. A visit to Goodwill in Folsom meant I found another 27 uncut Vogue sewing patterns. It never hurts to stock up on product. 

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