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Tuesday, February 23, 2021

No cashmere and the clothing exchange

There have been no cashmere sweaters. Usually, I find one or more of them at thrift, but none so far. I did find a gray Pendleton long-sleeved Merino wool sweater at Goodwill for $5.99. I. Love. It. 

What did I do recently for relaxation? Bought Build A Bear clothes for camo bear on eBay and Amazon. So silly. Now, he will have proper attire for spring summer, a fly fishing vest and camo shorts. The Amazon outfit is "Wild and Free" aka hippy.

I am thinking he/she will make an appearance at an upcoming theme reveal for a blog challenge. 

Reseller's update:

My first round of listings of the Vietnam-related books from the naval historian's estate total over $200. Just those books alone, priced at comparable current listings. We will see how well they do on the auction board. 

The next rounds from that estate are a mixture of man books. I am betting this publication won't sit on the boards for long.

Or, this one, I could see someone wanting to build a boat.

The red plaid BHG cookbooks continue to be money makers for me. I was asking too low a price for them. The last one sold at listing price for $55! Hallejuah! I've got two more to list. They are all from 1989. Odd. Must have been a large printing that year. 

The last of the Barbie clothes sold with just one listing of Bigger than Barbie clothes on the auction board. Slow but eventual sellers. Funny how I find things in trends. The Barbie clothes bought by the bag at thrift I savedhoarded for a few years. After I culled them and kept the cutest, I listed the rest. 

And, as I mentioned at the top of the post. No cashmere sweaters, even at the clothing exchange. I have $75+ of earned credit at Freestyle Clothing Exchange. I can get a few quality pieces of clothing/accessories at the downtown Sacramento store. 

Ending with a gardening update. My new method with the greenhouse is to plant the seeds directly into the raised beds, rather than try to start them from seed in the capsules. I have the fibrous pots to cull any extra seedings. I gave away TONS of plant starts by the roadside last year, at least 25 tomato plants, and many others. Everything germinated. 

Each year, I invent a new deer deterrent to keep them away from my two grape vines. They are encircled by cattle fencing (the deer crawl under it), barbed wire (they jump over the 8' tall sections), chicken wire (encased BOTH vines - I got grapes last year), and this year it will be a combination of hog wire AND chicken wire. Even then a buck could get frisky and kick the whole shebang over. It is a yearly battle I rarely win. Photos soon to follow. I have to go and pull the hog wire off of the old chicken coop. 

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