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Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Another Mary Englebreit and that Snow Day

Two months from Christmas and after completing my Mary Englebreit black border Christmas quilt dark-and-moody, I gained at thrift Englebreit precuts with yellow and red squares. A ten year old material that will be given a new life. 

A publication scored from an estate sale I pulled from the resell pile was this 1979 The Complete Book of Picnics. The promise of elaborate feasts, any time, any place, include Fried Chicken Picnic with  the menu being mouth-watering.

Southern Fried Chicken
Turnip Greens
Fried Okra (ok, that one not so much)
Blackeye Pea Salad
Matilda's Sweet Potato Pie

Reseller update: I have yet to figure out why whenever I am listing in a certain category on eBay, that category is the one that products sell. For instance, I am listing books now. I have at least 20 from a naval historian's estate that need to be listed. I also had a quilt book purge and pulled half of my library in that genre to sell. So, guess what is selling? Books. The same thing happens when I list patterns. I think there is some kind of bot metric involved. 

I had so much fun with my daughter in the snow. It was a once in a lifetime experience, the weather was perfect, the people on the hill were limited, and the drama of the landscape was breathtaking.

Sadly, I did not even make one run down the bunny hill. I was in such bad shape from the past year of relative inactivity. No 8 block walks to and from the downtown parking garage. No long walks on my lunch break anymore. It is clear I have to focus more on my strength training. I don't know if it was age or altitude, but I was not going to make it without injury if I didn't stop that activity. So I soaked in the beauty of the Timber Creek resort area. Thankfully, I was dressed to remain warm because the indoor lodge was COVID closed. 

Podcasting is still on my mind wondering how to use this virtual environment in a new world. Working remote is the new "black." One podcast idea is to host a Virtual Progressive Picnic. Each participant would highlight his or her dish describing the recipe and maybe a little background. Progressive dinners were a thing back in the 1970s. A group of people would organize a dinner that began with the salad/cheese appetizers, move to the next house for maybe soup and entree, then move to the next house for the dessert. 

Whatcha think? Thumbs up or thumbs down? 

Link to Survey Monkey Survey re VPP

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