This image is part of the front panels to the doors where I work - they are made of brass and the brown markings are fingerprints of the souls who have entered the building. The story behind these doors is that they were scheduled for removal but a craftsman working on uncovering the original marble floors recognized the hidden treasure and applied an electric polishing wheel to the surface, bringing the brass back to life.
Please visit my other photo challenge friends zivainferno.
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K, I am not so much a mompreneur as a wanna-be raconteur ~
Updated to add Acting Balanced (I couldn't link to it earlier).

1. How often do you shop for groceries? Do you shop in one place or many?
Shopping? Why, h**l we just step outside our front door and shoot whatever is passing by ... critters, that is.
2. How old were you when you had your first taste of alcohol?
Ever since the family started moonshining - so, yeah, since I was "yay high."
3. How much TV do you watch?
Just enough to interfere with the critter shooting and moonshine making ...
4. How do you relieve stress?
Between the shootin, and the moonshinin, and the TV watchin, I am pretty much stress-free.
5. Do you use pinterest?
I am going to use the hostesses fifth question re Pinterest. Yes, I use Pinterest but pretty much only for entering contests and pinning random images of Muffy Vanderbears.
Those doors are AWESOME! What an interesting way to start your work day. Yes?
ReplyDeleteThat's kind of cool looking. And also kind of disgusting. I wouldn't want to touch that mess with a 10-foot pole. If I owned a 10-foot pole, which I don't. In fact, I don't know anybody who does. I'm not even sure why people say it. It's stupid.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I read "hidden treasure" but all I see is doors. Is the treasure behind them?
ReplyDeleteI have a 10 foot poll. Not that I'm bragging or anything.
ReplyDeleteThat is a cool story. It kind of looks like my fridge when the kids leave fingerprints all over it.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad this artifact was uncovered and preserved!
ReplyDeleteHMMM.....interesting. Amazing what "finger prints" look like on glass!
ReplyDeletethat's really cool.
ReplyDeleteThat's an amazing door! I love how the natural oils in people's hands contributed to its beauty.
ReplyDeleteThat is a great door. Thanks for participating in the MQAM and we invite you to please come back next week.
ReplyDeleteI love old brass doors. I cherish things from days gone by and I'm glad the craftsman realized what a treasure this was and left it intact.
ReplyDeleteNope, no pinterest for me. I have enough trouble finding time for blogging and Facebook.
ReplyDeleteNo pinterest for me. I get enough interaction with twitter and my blogs. I don't have time for another social media site.
ReplyDeleteI do have a pinterest account, but I have checked it out only a few times.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful story! The picture is beautiful, but the story makes it mean so much more!
ReplyDeleteYou have some interesting answers for the Monday Quiz :) Thanks for stopping by yesterday!
ReplyDeletegreat answers... ever keep any critters for pets?
ReplyDeleteThere is a fox family that has adopted us - I'm thinking they like the cat food though.
DeleteOh I think I love those doors...
Stopping by from the hop, although in all honesty I forget which one. Following ya now and can't wait to read more. I wanted to personally invite you to An Aloha Affair. A sweet link up with beautiful creatives just like you. I hope you'll join me for the ride at Local Sugar Hawaii-- I would love to have ya with me on this beautiful wave called life.