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Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving

Giving thanks!

Sharing an image from an estate sale in an obscure location in Amador County. This was the second sale event they held here so I was able to get a picture the second time. 
Most sales are estates with newer residences, this one is clearly from another time period. 

Early Christmas present to myself. I spent WAY over budget to pick up this 1962 oil on canvas #18 by Edwin Dorris. It was one of those days that I felt compelled to visit this certain thrift shop. The painting had just been placed out for sale. 

I know the technique that he used for the background to the fish on the plate. The artist will apply layers of paint and then scrape away to leave a remnant of the top layer exposing some of the layer beneath. 

The checkout clerk at thrift mentioned there was more artwork to come that was stored offsite. I will be visiting a certain thrift shop more often. For some reason, November, December, and January are the best months for finding original artwork. The other painting by that artist was well executed but I am not particularly attached to migration subjects. 
Pulled the TikTok account because of a weirdo stalker. Too bad. It would have been a lot of fun. I also deactivated my Instagram and Pinterest accounts. Thank you M and your A cohort. Not giving up this blog. 

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