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Sunday, November 7, 2021

Duck Decoys and the Tub O' Christmas Fabric

This winter wonderland needlepoint is listed for sale through

I greatly added to my Duck Decoy collection. The three smaller decoys were $1.99 and the larger $2.99 at thrift. 
With it being half off at thrift, I figured I could burn $1.50 worth of cinnamon scented pinecones. 
My tub o' Christmas fabric. My eBay orders will be wrapped in holiday fabric. I am keeping all of the pink/maroon themed fabric for a quilt in that colorway. At year's end, I will post how much fabric is left in the tub. 
The ceramic smalls were a buck a duck (rather 99 cents each) from the same thrift and on the same wire rack cart as the decoys. 
Now that I check a certain hospice thrift nearly every day, I marvel that I even found anything when I would pop in only on weekends. You pretty much have to be there when the wire racks roll onto the floor. 

I am in the midst of listing books for sale on eBay. There is a slew of hunting/outdoorsman books I had kept for some odd reason. There is also my usual suspects of vintage cookbooks and sewing ones I will list. 

I have highlighted my high tech office *coughs* in previous posts. I use an old secretary desk for my shipping supplies that consist of the mailers, scissors, tape and fabric. In my zombie apocalypse arsenal, I have my 2+ pound tape dispenser. This piece of office accessory doesn't mess around, it turns to a lethal weapon in 2 seconds flat. 
Here is one of the listings from an estate sale. It is fun getting a chance to actually look through the books and discover how vintage they are. When I am at an estate sale, it is more the hard work of grabbing and lugging bags, boxes, whatever, to the checkout table.

An idea is formulating to continue my Madame Fortune Teller series of short stories, beginning in 2022. I am working on one story to launch in January. If you are a writer and would like to do a linkup with me beginning in January, please post a comment. 

1 comment:

  1. You go girl...listing on ebay. A lot of work with listing form and then the shipping. Good think you have that sturdy tape dispenser. I would probably use it on my own head for even thinking about the shipping process. Can you tell I was once an E-Bayer? But, good for you...I hope your thrifting collections are profitable. Good idea to use the Christmas fabric as wrapping. I will keep that in mind....I have a bit of it in my stash...wink wink!!!


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