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Friday, November 26, 2021

Busy listing away

One of my newest Christmas CD thrift shop acquisitions. The artwork alone makes it a keeper. 

I have almost moved through my Christmas-themed fabric wrapped around my eBay orders. I have one bolt of hunting-themed fabric that can be used throughout December. 

Made my 1,600 listings goal for end of November. The push for December will be to get all of the sewing patterns listed and cull out the old patterns that are not moving. My attention will then turn to the 200 or so regular CDs. I never checked the backs to see if they were scratched so I anticipate I won't list 1/3 to 1/2 of those in my death pile. 

Finally, got my wire rack storage system for the listed patterns. I have been purchasing fabric-lined baskets at thrift to eventually house all of them. Big box retailer cardboard boxes have been my stand-ins. 
I am thrilled with this new system. There is even room to grow! I hope to have all of my death pile items listed by year's end. 

Christmas is right around the corner. Hope you aren't experiencing any shopping difficulties. I lined up the gift basket deliveries earlier in the month.   

The Countdown to Christmas begins December 1 - celebrating 10 years of that event!

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