Random Raggedy Ann |
Inching my way to 2,000 listings on eBay. I have found that once I hit the 1,000 listings mark, I really started to make $$. It also means storing a lot of stuff. Even littles, like sewing patterns, take up a lot of room. 500 of that total is patterns, with another 100 waiting to be listed.
Without a doubt, estate sales are the best for sourcing. I am going to take a collapsible cart from now on, especially if there are books involved. Bought a camo one, just for kicks and giggles. Movin' on up into the Big Time. (Not a paid promotion.)
The books have been the best of the bunch with a recent estate sale producing well-kept books from the 1970s. This lush 1976 publication I priced the highest, well worth the $35 asking price for the right collector.
https://www.ebay.com/itm/185159017001 |
Christmas CDs are my bread and butter. They are usually in excellent shape because people only listen to them once a year, if that. More often than not, people buy them at the listed price, rather than make a Best Offer.
I have three promotions running right now, 60% off on needlekits, 50% off on select books, and 50% off sewing patterns that have been listed over a year.
I spent $2.99 at thrift on this 1965 Birds of Town and Village valued around $25. The Ralph Lauren quilt print fabric was a bonus. I didn't know it was that designer until I got it home. It is a keeper fabric, no orders will be wrapped in this one.
https://www.ebay.com/itm/185160773935 |
What motivates me to sell? I love having my own business. I already thrift for myself, friends, and family so it seemed natural to turn my interests and offer things for sale to others. I enjoy seeing what sells. Some categories have been duds for me, namely clothing, and children's toys. I am shooting for the moon this holiday season, betting that the shipping container backlog will be a bonus for me as a local reseller.
Anyhoo, my Countdown to Christmas is right around the corner! Be sure to drop by December 1 and each day thereafter until Christmas.