My first picture on self-timer for the topic of hair. Guess I could have used it as my impression of a broken dolly.
A gratitious picture of my CAT.
October has been my month of travel. I did have a little snafu at the Sacramento airport ~ seems I packed a bit too much!
This lovely is a painting on the side of the outside kiosk at House of Blues in Downtown Disney.
On to my favorites of 30 Days of Photographs III. All of the images by the participants are worth a visit.
Ziva at Ziva's Inferno, her interpretation of "Sour."
The Artful Diva's posting on hair-today-gone-tomorrow.

Image and resulting story posted by Moonlight Hollow on the subject of "stalker."

Laughingmom's photo of five.
Linking with Wordless Wednesday with Angry Julie Monday
Stay tuned for upcoming posts:
Blog Pop Christmas Wishes
Oh, How I Miss You blog hop
Countdown to Kitschmas