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Monday, April 27, 2015

They Call Me the Orchid Whisperer

I am called the Orchid Whisperer at work.  Could it be because of the white orchid?  I swear it is the well water I tote there in an old Coleman polylite. Maybe that or when I do replant them, I use prepackaged mix of orchid planting soil. 

My home workspace - at the end of a formal dining table. My laptop rests on a thrifted vintage baby fabric pattern. There is an Easter card from the mom and Muffy Vanderbear dressed as a bunny and sporting a couple of flower pins. Can't let the month slip by without showcasing my all of my orchids in bloom.

You would never guess that this fashion image is from the 1969 Simplicity Sewing Book.  What comes around ...

And a recipe for White Salad, will you try it?

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