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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Pink Saturday, PS 3-2

How I lurvs Beverly's Pink Saturday.  While I may not afford it the same reverence as some of the other linker-uppers, I fail to crapht, paint or otherwise beautify my world in ... pink, I do post images.  Yep, that is what I do best.  Oh, and write, sometimes, when forced to.  *grins*

Our first stop is the No-Tell Motel for this hopperoo ~

And what does one do at the No-Tell Pink Motel?

Do what Barbara Eden is doing, dance the night away ...

On to my recent thrift shop finds - AB Studio black and white skirt, 30% off at Thrift Town (approx. $4).  This will def make an appearance on a Friday's Frock post.

Pink Saturday ballerina hippo (with original tags), $2.50 at Snowline Hospice in Folsom.



  1. Greetings Dame Von Zalez! I have lots of reading to do here I can see. Meanwhile loving that black and white skirt. And only $4! Has a nice vintage feel to it. I love me a good thrift shop. "What does one do at the No-Tell Pink Motel?" Well, how long have you got tootes?

    1. Hi there! I am probably not your usual audience but who says we all have to be in the same ticky tacky boxes?

      Lawd only know what went on in the Pink Motel ...


  2. Hi Tami, your Pink Motel and Barbara Eden dancing put a smile on my face. Cute bear too with a nice price. I love to thrift shop.

    Jeanne xo

  3. Love the pink motel -- I want to stay there! :)

  4. Hi Tami,

    I love the dancing Genie.
    Love Barbara Eden!

    Thanks for visiting and for
    your comments.

    Bear Hugs.

  5. Fun, fun images! Barbara makes me want to get up and dance. The right way that is. lol!

  6. That hotel interests me for some unknown reason.

  7. Barbara sure can MOVE!
    I soooo love that hotel sign.
    I rather like your new skirt, and am keen to see you frock it up for Friday!

  8. New follower. Love the dancing, specially as her candle stays alight.. Thrift Shop Commando? Is this sentence in the imperative? I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable doing it that way; there's a lot of bending down and rummaging in grubby boxes.


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