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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Birthday Milestone

I have hit the magical age of 65.🎂A dear co-worker gave me a birthday card which read, "May your birthday be as exciting as a great thrift store find!" Another gave me the bouquet of flowers ðŸŽ•So fragrant!

Seller update: Bought another $40 worth of sewing patterns from Goodwill. Average cost 50 cents per pattern. But before I get to those, I completed a yarn listing session. This group also from Goodwill in a bag marked $3.99.

Finally doing an audit of my stock and how it is listed on eBay. It means editing each and every listing, most likely revising the prices to reflect average cost sold. 

On the thrifting front - I go through collecting phases. Toys and stuffed animals are nearly irresistible. I don't have any grandchildren and am not around children at all. Besides the Barbie clothes that I will lot up for sale, the other toys will be sent back to the Great Thrift Shop Beyond. 

This display was at Amador Hospice Thrift. I bet it was fun creating it!

Other collecting phases of mine include tiki mugs, blue Ball jars, duck decoys, G.I. Joe small figurines, Madame Alexander and Black Americana rag dolls. Those items I do keep in my collection. 

I also went through a vintage sewing machine phase. I thrifted about 8 of them back with the exception of 2, a pale blue and pale green one. 

Anyhoo, happy birthday to me! Looks to be a fine day. 

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