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Friday, June 14, 2024

Everyone Needs Tummy Time

I thought I had biffed on my last mystery box of crafts I purchased from an online auction. Lucky for me, there were 14 uncut sewing patterns so I will make my money back on the $25 total I paid. It was a good buy because there was also jewelry making/beads for my hair stylist and a new box of Melon Boy oil pastel crayons. I am sure those will come in handy for my art class this spring. 

I continue to gut my clothes closet. All of the clothing one size too big was thrifted back. Summer clothing sales in retail are on right now so my timing is just right. 

Only two weeks to go until I am back on the coast. The ocean was rough in May so there was no fishing. My motivation is to see whales or dolphins.🐋🐬They seem to be attracted to the red boat. We set out from the Noyo Harbor, underwater is the Noyo Canyon. 

I am so glad I got my eBay business up and running well before retirement. I am not sure I would have the motivation to start from scratch. It is discouraging at first if you only have a few hundred items listed. When you really start seeing steady money is when you reach 1,000 or more listings. 

Sneaking in a Pattern of the Day from my May coastal sourcing set. A recent one from 2021 Simplicity."Baby Tummy Time Animal Mats."

Until next time,


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