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Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Dust Off a Quilt Book Day

This quilt-related post begins with my latest near completion - Flamingos and Flowers quilt. Near completion because I will hand sew the French binding. This will have to do for a glamour shot for now. Our weather is too cold and rainy for in-the-wild photography. 

The flower blocks came in a lot, 1/2 of which I sold. I retained them because some of them needed to be rehabilitated/repaired, and I wanted a quilt for myself. It is a mixture of new and old. The flamingo material came from Joanns and the flamingo/flower quilting pattern is one I have wanted for awhile. I just needed the right quilt top, the longarmer had just the right pattern.  

I am participating in the Dust Off a Quilt Book blog hop. Link to Day 1 and the other participants A thanks to the hostess for this intriguing linkup. 

This is one of my favorite books, Mad About Plaid! because I adore plaid wovens. 

I have a tub full of that type of fabric for my next inspired project. Here is one pattern that was highlighted on Facebook recently.  Love 💖how the fabric artist used the plaid cornerstones. 
I will have a plaid creation to showcase in the upcoming months. 

Bea posted an invitation to quilters who wanted to showcase a favorite quilt book, and to find their earliest publication on the subject. 

The earliest published book I have on the subject is The Romance of the Patchwork Quilt in America (1935). Part I - History and Quilt Patches; Part II - Quilts--Antique and Modern; Part III - Quilting and Quilting Designs. 

Fabricoholics will see I snuck in a bit 'o vintage fabric in the images. The book find was most def secondhand and I am pretty sure there was a Tami squeak of happiness when the publication date was revealed. 

Here is a poem by Elizabeth Ryan DeCoursey from that publication. 

Life is like a patchwork quilt
And each little patch is a day,
Some patches are rosy, happy, and bright,
And some are dark and gray

But each little patch as it's fitted in
And sewn to keep it together
Makes a finished block in this life of ours
Filled with sun, and with rainy weather.

So let me work on Life's patchwork quilt
Through the rainy days and the sun--
Trusting that when I have finished my block
The Master may say: "Well done."

To Quilt Lovers Everywhere - World Without End!


  1. It's so fun to find the perfect pattern for the tubs of thing we have collected. Love your flower quilt in progress!

  2. I love plaids too! Great quilt, and love the flower quilt in progress also.

  3. The flower quilt is so sweet and love the plaid inspiration! I also have Carrie Hall's is a good one! :)

  4. lovely quilt and OLD book, so far I think you got the oldest one!

  5. Your plaid quilt is so cozy it! Having a book from 1935 is quite the treasure. Thank you for sharing!

  6. What a great book and fun to see those old flower blocks, made into something new. Yes, in the wild photography is so tough at this time of year!

  7. Carrie Hall's book is one of my favorites! That's a great plaid example, and you've done well by those flower blocks. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I too adore the plaids! Love that one from Facebook, too. Yummy! Thank you for sharing these books, esp the old one! Fun!

  9. Love the flower blocks! It'll be a beautiful quilt when it's finished!


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