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Friday, March 3, 2023

Purchase of the Primitive and the Making of the Dog Bed

The primitive doll pattern sold quickly, so I picked up this primitive doll $1.99 at thrift. It has freakishly long arms and legs, and an elongated face. We will see how fast it will sell. Post update: doll sold within a few days.

I had quite a shock when I went to a big box retailer to purchase a dog bed. I had remembered the cost being around $18 - $20. No longer, the cost is now $50. I pulled a couple of dog bed patterns from my inventory. I also have upholstery/heavy duty fabric and stuffing. This project has bumped all of my quilt-related ones. 

I attempted pattern sewing a few years ago. It was a dress pattern that I totally goofed up, then recycled back to the Great Thrift Shop Beyond. An upcoming post will feature the dog bed crapht attempt. 

Thrifting update: A new thrifted tapestry has updated my remote office decor for the upcoming spring. The tapestry covers mirrored closet doors. Seeing your reflection in the mirror for hours on end is a bit disconcerting. 

Reseller update: My eBay listings hover around 2,200. I take breaks from listing sessions. It really is work. I have put a kibosh on buying for the time being. My non-listed product now joins me in a small space until I can move it downstairs to the shelving. Moving downstairs means it is an active listing. 

Books have been selling again after a long pause in that category. My most recent eBay listing sessions have been books. Some of those were from the last purge from my personal collection. I will highlight my favorite best sellers in an upcoming post. 

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