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Wednesday, January 4, 2023

It is That Time of Year

It is that time of year when cashmere sweaters begin to show up at thrift. Pretty sure people receive them as gifts and then reject them and send them to thrift. All the better for me! I picked up this coat-length camo cashmere at Goodwill for $7.99. 

Each year I battle with moths who love to chew holes in the very center of the sweaters. I store them in a cedar chest, with moth balls, and they still get to them. I gathered all of the holey sweaters in a lot and listed them as crafting cashmere. The lot sold within hours of listing.

Pattern of the Day makes me wish I knew how to crochet.

Reseller update: I made my goal of 2,100+ active eBay listings. Working my way through the sewing pattern sessions. Here is the remainder of that category's death pile. 

Next up is taxes, and I am curious to see how I will fare this year. 

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