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Sunday, January 22, 2023

Cubicle Wall Coverings

Since I am in office three days a week and have been on that schedule for the past year, I can now show off my cubicle wall coverings to my co-workers. 

The heart-themed one came to me partially finished. I honestly don't remember at what stage but I do remember I added the borders, quilted, and bound it. 

This one was a study in shiny fabric, all my creation from start to finish and matchstick quilted. 

My last example that I display during the summer months, is a quilt guild creation in its entirety. Bought at thrift, I enjoy the other's handiwork. 

In my offsite storage, I discovered a group of needlekits I had squirreled away. My intent was to finish them someday, but it is more wishes and hopes than reality. I still have 10-15 kits in my project room. 

My offsite storage also contains the contents of my mom's room from the assisted living facility. I tackle estate in small increments of time. If I linger too long, it becomes a walk down memory lane and I miss her all the more. 

In my Christmas cleanup, I found a Ziploc bag of military patches. They joined my small death pile of miscellaneous items to list. I know CDs can be money makers, but there are two reasons why I may not list them, (1) I can't rip them to my laptop any more (doesn't work for some reason since a Windows upgrade,) and (2) there is no ability to play CDs in newer vehicles - there is no CD player. Christmas CDs did not sell as well as they did the year before. 

I am taking a hard look at that I keeping, and what I am storing. Every 6 months, I go through a closet cleanout when I shift my clothes from one season to another. Those clothes with even the slightest hip factor, go to the clothing reseller for credit. 

I have found since I began selling items on eBay, I buy less and less for myself - less tchotchkes, less clothing, less useless stuff. 

What is your thrifting style?  

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